
Winter is decidedly over and I can’t slump against February any longer. The replacement laptop has arrived and I am no longer pressed for moments with the library’s internet. The sweet wind through open windows swept out the dust that had been coating all surfaces since the ground started warming, I spent Sunday forking the early greens plot to an airy delight, and dawn feels much too early.

The last month and a half were long and weary and I am truly ready for this unusual warmth. I had lost momentum in writing, and surely, it will take a while to regain ground, but I am ready to dig myself out of winter and into summer: building, planting, marrying, dreaming, planning, doing. I am so ready to do.

Three weeks into an experimental gluten-free month: besides the narrow-eyed awkwardness around my mom’s traditional birthday baking for my 25th, and an extreme pasta deficiency, I feel wonderful. Though with mercury in retrograde, I’m not sure I could say for sure I feel “clearer,” and “lighter” in my brain. But I do believe it’s done me good so far, and when I am through with March I will be incorporating more intentional wheat back into my diet, namely, sprouted and ancient wheat.

There. A jump-start post just in time for the spring equinox. Just in time for the American Spring. And just in time to spring into action building my dream house and marrying my dream wife all in one summer. What better time to squeeze words out of my little toothpaste tube writer self?
